Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chapter #14 Response

I was really interested in this chapter because I really felt I could relate to it. I had never even heard of a multi genre paper until last semester in my Ed 301 class. When the idea of multi genre was introduced to me, I was nervous and unhappy. I would have much rather done a research paper, as I knew how to do that. I felt very out of my comfort zone, taking on this assignment, as I had no experience with this type of assignment. I feel that writing a multi genre paper is often much more difficult for the student because they are not usually asked to put their own creativity and experiences into the paper. Giving students the opportunity to use their creativity and freedom is really important, and not done enough. Most of the time, students are so used to one kind of writing, that when the time comes to do a multi genre paper, they do not even know where to begin. I feel that it is really sad that most students are not even exposed to this type of writing until college. We must give students plenty of opportunities to be creative and enjoy writing. By giving students the opportunity to do more writing of this nature, they will learn how to be creative and draw upon their own experiences, as well as learn technical aspects of writing along the way.

1 comment:

ruggermichigan3 said...

I like your response toward the Multi-Genre paper where most ED students are willful to embrace a non-traditional way of grammar and putting together something that most student in college without taking ed 301 will able to think to do or consider at all.