Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Image Grammar" response

I really enjoyed reading the first twelve pages in the "Image Grammar" text. I learned so much about writing that I was never introduced to before. The different techniques they suggested for improving writing seemed to be pretty simple, yet make such a difference in the final product of the writing. I was surprised at how much the writing actually changed when just one or two words were added to a paragraph. One thing I kept thinking was how easy it would be for students to incorporate these techniques into their own writing. I also liked how the author compared writing to painting, explaining how the writer must show the reader what he/she is trying to convey rather than just telling them. By using vivid, descriptive images, the reader can actually picture the scene in their head. I really like this text, I feel that it gives us some really good ideas that we can not only incorporate into our own writing, but use in our classrooms as well. I look forward to to putting some of these techniques to use in my writing.


Ashley Vogl said...

Good, I'm glad that you feel so positively about the writing- I think it will be easy to incorporate into classrooms as well!

John C. said...

Theres a post on my blog about meeting on sunday... comment on it if you're interested in attending