Monday, November 5, 2007

Fire Write

Something that really angers me is the anti-war protesters outside the funerals of fallen soldiers. I realize that everybody has their own opinion, but there is a time and a place for everything and a funeral is not the time nor the place. I recently attended a funeral of a soldier killed in action, these protesters were outside the church holding signs and and yelling inappropriate comments. I think of the families of these young men and women and it makes me so angry that someone would have such disrespect for someone serving our country. You can disagree with the war, but it should not become personal.


Amanda Valley said...

I completely agree with you here, that's just so completely wrong. It doesn't matter how anyone looks at the war or what they think about this country, that's just such a heartless thing to do. I wonder how they would feel if someone came protesting their funeral or the funeral of someone they knew for being such heartless animals. It's just sick. I'm sorry you had to actually see them as well.

P.S. Sorry I didn't make it to the meeting weekly schedule is up on my blog if anyone wants to meet before Wed.!!

Amanda Valley said...

Also...if you or anyone wans to meet today just give my cell a call (810) 955-9899.